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10 things that can make you happy right NOW!

This week one of our Temp Consultants shared a list of “10 things that will make you happy right now”

It may not work for everyone however we wanted to share this with you all – just in case 1 of the 10 does help to improve your day/weekend!

  1. You are alive so take some breathes and feel the air in your lungs. You are still here!
  2. Spend time with family & friends. Spending time with family & friends can lift your spirits and brighten your day
  3. Go outside. Breath the air. Soak in the sun. Fresh air and sunshine can lift your mood and your spirits giving you a new perspective.
  4. Get some good sleep. Good sleep and rest can lift your mood and make you happy.
  5. Help someone else. Helping others make us feel good about ourselves and it helps to be able to make someone else happy.
  6. Smile and give or get a hug. Just smile. A small smile can turn into a bigger smile. Give someone a hug or accept a hug from someone else. There are multiple studies that show contact with others raises happiness!
  7. Be thankful for the small things in your life. Count your blessing and you will find you have much to be happy about
  8. Listen to Music. Listen to your favourite upbeat tunes. Science has proven that music can lift our moods and make us happier.
  9. Get moving. Exercise is proven to lift your spirits. It doesn’t have to be three hours of weight lifting. Just get up and move.
  10. Find joy in your present moment. Your life may not be perfect or exactly what you want it to be yet, but you can decide to find joy and happiness in this present moment. Don’t think too much beyond right now.

If you have found anything that picks up your spirits during lockdown life that isn’t on this list – we would love to hear from you.

Get in touch with us today!

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